Eris Lifescience

Eris Lifescience
lean manufacturing practice
lean manufacturing practices
lean manufacturing best practice
lean manufacturing principles to practice

Kaizen Implementation in Pharmaceutical Industry: Reducing Solvent Consumption

Eris Lifesciences Ltd is the only publicly listed Indian pharmaceutical company with a pure-play domestic branded formulations business model. Ranked #21 in the IPM, Eris has established a leading presence in it's core cardio-metabolic franchise in just 15 years from inception.

The pharmaceutical industry is characterized by stringent quality control and safety standards, making it imperative for companies to constantly seek ways to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and optimize processes. Kaizen, a Japanese term for continuous improvement, is a powerful methodology that can drive positive changes within pharmaceutical manufacturing. In this case study, we explore how a pharmaceutical company successfully implemented Kaizen principles to significantly reduce the consumption of two critical solvents, Acetonitrile and Methan

Basic Challenges of the Company

  • HPLC solvent Consumption Problem
  • No Records for Consumption

case study : lean manufacturing in phrama Practices at Eris Lifescience


Prior to the implementation of Kaizen practices, the pharmaceutical company was consuming an average of 6 bottles of Acetonitrile and 4 bottles of Methanol per day in their production processes. The excessive consumption of these solvents not only led to increased operational costs but also raised environmental concerns.

lean manufacturing in phrama is generating excellent result and here it is

Kaizen Implementation:

The company recognized the need for change and embarked on a Kaizen journey to optimize solvent consumption. The following steps were taken:

1. Formation of Kaizen Team: A cross-functional Kaizen team consisting of production, quality control, and maintenance personnel was assembled. This team was responsible for identifying improvement opportunities and implementing changes.

2. Data Collection and Analysis: Detailed data on solvent consumption were collected for an extended period to identify patterns and variations. This data-driven approach helped the team pinpoint areas for improvement.

3. Process Mapping: The team created process maps to visualize the flow of solvents throughout the production process. This step highlighted inefficiencies and areas where solvent use could be reduced.

4. Identifying Waste: The Kaizen team identified several sources of waste, including spillage, overuse, and inefficient storage practices. Each source of waste was thoroughly examined to determine its impact on solvent consumption.

5. Implementing Changes: With a clear understanding of the issues, the team began implementing changes. These changes included:

  • Improved Storage: Solvent containers were labeled, and proper storage practices were enforced to prevent spillage and evaporation.
  • Process Optimization: Adjustments were made to production processes to reduce solvent use without compromising product quality.
  • Training and Awareness: Employees were trained on the importance of efficient solvent usage, and awareness campaigns were conducted.


Following the implementation of Kaizen practices, the company achieved remarkable results:

  • Acetonitrile consumption reduced from 6 bottles per day to 3.5 bottles per day.
  • Methanol consumption reduced from 4 bottles per day to 2.5 bottles per day.


The benefits of this Kaizen - lean manufacturing in phramainitiative extended beyond reduced solvent consumption:

  • Significant cost savings due to decreased solvent procurement and disposal costs.
  • Enhanced environmental sustainability by reducing solvent waste.
  • Improved workplace safety through better solvent handling practices.
  • Increased employee engagement and a culture of continuous improvement.


This case study highlights the positive impact of lean manufacturing in phrama industry. By focusing on continuous improvement and waste reduction, the company not only significantly reduced solvent consumption but also realized cost savings and environmental benefits. Kaizen principles can serve as a model for other pharmaceutical companies looking to optimize there processes and contribute to a more sustainable future.