Mistakes new managers make

mistakes new managers make

Mistakes new managers make

1. Not spending enough time with their team

In order to gain the best of your team, the Manager need to spend time with the team. It’s amazing to think that we spend more time on a daily basis with the people we work with than our own families. 

Some do, but the majority of people don’t, and we are clocking in many hours throughout our work week with people that may be good for business, but not so good for our personal lives.

2. Working in a silo

As a manager, you need to shift your mindset to be more about working through others. They are less likely to share resources or ideas with other groups or welcome suggestions as to how they might improve.

Collaboration in a business culture with silos among teams or departments will be limited unless collaboration benefits the members of the department. In addition, the members of a silo tend to think alike.

3. Sharing the wrong level of info

A key ingredient to successful team-based decision-making is the sharing of information among members.

How, and what, information is shared between members greatly impacts the team’s decision-making ability. Information shared among members of a team can be classified into two dimensions:  uniqueness and openness. Finding the right approach is important.

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4. Being “THE BUDDY

Remember that your job is not to be everyone’s friend. your job is to be their leader.

If people are working for you, instead of with you, the relationships are different between the manager and the team. If you struggle with this, think back to how you used to discuss it with your boss.

Now, you are that boss. Your former colleagues will be less open and gossipy with you. But this doesn’t mean everything changes. You can still have good relationships with those who now work under you, and you shouldn’t let the power go to your head.

5. Making big changes too quickly

It’s a very valid point that When we’re making organizational change, we have to explain the reasons for the change. organizational changes don’t happen overnight and they usually don’t require people to drop everything and, as the reader said, “switch gears mid-project”.

The manager should have the capacity to show a strong understanding of the department and processes before making major changes.

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6. Being a people pleaser

Some situations require a manager to make a tough decision that will not be popular but is in the best interest of the team.  you have the people pleasers.

Managers and leaders who subscribe to the notion that their main task is to make their teams happy because that will produce results, and make the manager popular.

7. Ignoring performance concerns

Being a good leader is about having the courage to do the right thing to address performance issues is your responsibility as a manager.  

As a manager, you should be managing your staff’s performance on an ongoing basis, including formal procedures and standard, informal discussions. Good working relationships provide managers with opportunities to identify and address issues before they escalate.

8. Being indirect

When you have a team reporting to you, very often, you share the same goals and the same bigger picture. In a good situation, the team works together and often also shares a good personal report that makes work simpler.

In situations where there are conflicts, the boss can use his or her authority to sort things out. Or even discipline a team member where needed. Remember your job is to help the employee reach their fullest potential. If you are not clear with your employee, how will they be prepared to progress?

9. Letting lack of confidence show

If the manager is TOO humble and says things that show how unconfident you are, eventually your team will not have confidence in you either. Building confidence requires genuine discussion, not surface accolades.

It begins by understanding what’s extremely going on. It requires getting into the muck and working a few levels below the obvious insecurity to understand what scares them.

10. Micromanaging

If you’re the kind of manager who lasers in on details, prefers to be on emails, and is rarely satisfied with your team’s work, then—there’s no kind way to say this—you’re a micromanager. Your team will believe you don’t have faith in their abilities.

For the sake of your team, you need to stop and manage executive coaching and leadership development firms. "Micromanaging dents your team’s morale by establishing a tone of mistrust—and it limits your team’s capacity to grow".

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  1. Decision Making
  2. Leadership
  3. Supervision skill
  4. ISO 45001 Training Programme
  5. Value Stream Mapping for middle management
  6. Key Principles of lean six sigma
  7. Lesson to learn from Movie
  8. 5S more than housekeeping

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